Thursday, November 29, 2012

"Real Life, Real Miracles: True Stories That Will Help You Believe" book review

I started reading this book last night and I could not put it down! Real Life, Real Miracles: True Stories That Will Help You Believe by James L. Garlow and Keith Wall is an absolutely AMAZING collection of TRUE stories where God's love and divine intervention created a miracle! Broken down into 30 chapters, a conclusion and an epilogue, this book is uplifting, affirming, and leaves you with a real sense of love and peace. These stories will stick with me forever!

I have always believed in miracles but to hear so many captivating, on the edge or your seat, stories all in one book is so awesome! Stories from Christians, homeless men, "average Joe's"......God is truly looking out for all of his children! If you are lacking in faith, doubtful of miracles, or just want an uplifting book on how WONDERFUL God is, this is the book for you! I loved the descriptions of Heaven and Angles too! Heaven sounds like such a WONDERFUL place! So reaffirming and reassuring. It has been a real blessing to have the opportunity to read this book, and the timing was perfect for what is going on in my life. Just another miracle. :)

*Note: This was a free copy from the Bethany House sent to me for review.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"What your husband isn't telling you" book review

I have just finished the book What your Husband Isn't Telling You by David Murrow. I received a free copy of the book from the Bethany House for review.

The book is broken down into 5 parts and 17 chapters. It goes WAY back to the time of Adam and Eve to explain why men are the way they are. It breaks down how "protector" and "provider" shape the way a man thinks and acts and breaks down his body, soul, and spirit.

I loved the book! It was very insightful. However, I didn't like the chapters on men and sex. I knew the author gave a "warning" in the introduction chapter, but I didn't think it would be THAT bad! So a girl can only hope he is exaggerating or that it doesn't apply to all men (I'm trying not to give out too many spoilers in case you choose to read the book!).

Part 5 is one of my favorites because part 5 talks about what us women can do for our marriage. (Okay, maybe just one spoiler) One of the concepts it talked about how was a lot of women don't try after they get married. We try to look awesome pre marriage but then after we say "I do" things change. I see this true in my own life. I am a (mostly) stay at home mom. I have a photography business but I can work from home doing that for the most part. When I don't have a shoot and its just an at home day (which happens more than I'd prefer), I stay in my pj's all day. We are a 1 car family too, so when my husband is at work, I don't have the option to go anywhere. So the hair goes up into a messy pony tail and the comfy clothes get left on and I don't bother with make-up. But men are very visual. I don't suppose it would kill me to look nice for when my husband gets home. Looking nice doesn't mean I have to be a perfect size zero or change my hair color every just means making the most of what I have! Getting dressed. Flat ironing my hair. Adding a touch (not a ton, just a touch will do) of make-up. Saying "yes honey, I do love you enough to try".

I feel as if I learned a lot about myself when reading the book too! One thing I struggle with is getting my husband to open up and talk to me about his "feelings". I have learned the reason for this! And its not the man's fault. Its us. Sorry ladies! I didn't want to believe it either, but its true. You will just have to read the book to find out. :)

I will give this book a 4 out of 5 stars just because the sex chapters were so disturbing, hehe. :) Overall, it was a great book, very informative, and well written. Two thumbs up!

Hope you all have enjoyed my review! If you have read the book, let me know what you thought about it in the comments below!