Monday, September 10, 2012

What I have learned about cloth diapers :)

Okay, well this was originally going to be a post on how to make your own cloth diapers...but I'll be honest...they are HARD to make! You have to get them just right or leaks! When you are dealing with diapers..leaks is a swear word. :)

So how do you choose between disposables or cloth?

I was going through a least 1 case a month. 1 case of diapers would be about $25. Sometimes I would spend more for additional diapers. So there is DEFIANTLY a money saving factor. Also, disposables contain chemicals. You can read about it here and I seriously suggest you read this! I have also heard it said that disposables contain hormones, although I do not have a credible source to back it up.

I think we can all agree that disposables are not the safest option, but it is more convenient. Cloth diapers have to be washed and laundered properly...and if your out in public, this isn't always the easiest thing to do.

How do you wash cloth diapers?

This was VERY intimidating to me at first. You cannot use just any detergent because the diapers could absorb the detergent and sit on baby's skin and some detergents repel water (leaks!). This is the BEST list of safe detergents I have seen yet. We use the powder tide. I have't had any problems. When baby poops, you use a sprayer to get the poo out. There are sprayers that hook up to the toilet like this one. I also found a tutorial to make your own (see it here). My solution? I got one of these shower heads from walmart for $10. Since it didn't reach my toilet like I thought it would, I spray the diaper off into a bucket and dump the water into the toilet. I think, for me, this was easier than hovering over the toilet anyways. Plus, since I hooked it up to the kids shower, I can use it to wash my kids hair easier! Win win.
After you wash off all the poo, you can put it in your container you are using to store diapers while they wait being washed. You should try to wash every other day. Or everyday like me because I don't have a large collection yet. I use pocket diapers, so I just separate the diaper from the insert before washing so it will dry easier. You can dry in the washer, but line drying will preserve diapers longer. Also, line drying in the sun will naturally bleach diapers killing germs. I use the baby settings on my washer so I'm washing in hot water and I use an extra rinse at the end to make sure all the soap is out. Once a month you should strip your diapers. Stripping diapers will get out all the extra detergent build up and strip out all the ammonia from the diaper. RLR is a cheap and effective way to strip diapers. This and and this link  are two great links on stripping cloth diapers. Also, every once in awhile (every few weeks or so) its good to put your diapers in the dryer on high for 25-30 minutes to reseal the PUL and keep them leak free!

It sounds scary, but its easy, I promise. :) Once you get a routine going, it becomes second nature...and your baby's bottom will thank you for it. :)

**Update: I started making my own cloth diaper laundry soap. Its VERY inexpensive and very safe on the diapers. Its 1 bar of Fels-Naptha soap (found in the laundry aisle at walmart) and 2 cups of baking soda. I use a cheese grater to shave it up and then I put it in my blender (which is totally optional) to make it even finer. I mix it with the baking soda and stir it up well. Its only 1tbsp per load. Awesome and cheap!

Is getting started on cloth diapers expensive?

It can be. But, it will save you money in the long haul. You can  use cloth diapers on more than one child. Also, if you decide not to have any more kids, you can sell them! If you are on a budget, there are LOTS of ways you can save on trying to get a stock built. I was really intimidated when I first looked into cloth diapers. $20 a diaper sounded crazy to me! But I have yet to pay that much for a diaper. There is a lady near me that makes cloth diapers and sells them for $10 a piece or 2 for $18. Alva Baby is a great place to shop for diapers too. I have not made a purchase yet, but I have personally seen these diapers and the quality is there. Diaper swappers is a great place (or so I've heard) to buy used cloth diapers. I have also heard good things about sun baby diapers (everyone says they are the best for skinny babies with not as chubby thighs). Also check your local thrift stores, resales, and yard sales! If you are not a member of a yard sale group on facebook, I recommend it! There is one for almost every area, so ask around about it. :) Sometimes you can find great deals on there or you can just plain ask if anyone has any for sale.

What about wipes?

A lot of mom's who cloth diaper also use cloth wipes (which are usually just flannel sewed together or surged around the edges). A spray bottle will be used with a solution of water, baby wash, and baby oil (you can find lots of recipes online if you google it). Also, you can make your own disposable wipes. I have been using the flushables. Its easiest for me because everything will just go down the toilet and my trash will continue to not smell as bad as when I put the disposables in it. Poop stinks! lol

Types of cloth diapers:

Diaper Jungle has the best chart for choosing cloth diapers. Personally, I use pocket diapers. With the pocket diapers, I get to choose how absorbent they are. Sometimes the real question is...1 insert or 2? haha. I usually use 2 inserts because of how much my daughter pee's. There are two kinds of inserts I know of. Microfiber is the cheaper option. The only thing about microfiber is that its SO absorbent that it will suck the moisture out of skin of placed directly on the skin. With the pocket diapers, there will always be a layer of cotton between the insert and the baby's butt. A bamboo insert is the best option, but can be more expensive. But bamboo is even more absorbent and a great night time option.

Vacation? What do I do?

Personally, I haven't experienced the thrill of vacation yet. I would say it depends where you are going and what you are doing and how much you want to invest into it. Personally, I would give it a try if there was a laundry service in my hotel (if I stayed in a hotel). But I know lots of moms who use disposables on vacation.  My daughter has an allergy to disposables, so I would not really want to come home to blisters on her butt, and the knowledge that she was having less fun because of how bad her bottom hurt. But that is just me. I don't think there is a right or a wrong answer to the question. It is a life style. You decide how deep you want to jump into it.

Night time...cloth or disposables

I know a lot of moms who use cloth during the day and disposables at night. Then I know some moms who use cloth at night. If you are going to go cloth at night, it can be intimidating because you don't want your baby to be in a wet diaper all night, or any leaks to happen. Defiantly double or triple up on your inserts! Unless you have a newborn, its most likely going to be pee your dealing with, so it won't take as much effort to change. But I know how hard it can be to be a tired mom in need of sleep who doesn't feel like changing a diaper. Disposables can be convenient because they absorb the pee, but then you have to think about those pesky chemicals again. Once again, there is not right or wrong answer. You just have to figure out what works for you. 

I hope you found this and all the resources to be informative and enlightening. This is another great source for info if you are in need of some more I found while searching some extra resources for you guys!  If you have any other questions, feel free to comment and I will get back to you. Good luck! 

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